Where are we? Who are we? How much can we do? 

We have climbed mountains and experienced valleys, 

but we have never doubted that the journey of revolution is inherently rugged. 

Only those who have walked this path will understand. 

Thank you, Mr. O. Thank you to the fifty guardians. 

Thank you to all the revolutionary followers who have come along the way.

I always feel lost. When faced with injustice, oppression, and resistance, 

it seems like a sin. People will look at you with mocking eyes. 

I thought about abandoning this skin bag and leaving only a pure soul until I saw the mirror in Mr. O's hand.

I fell silent, but who really likes me? 

We just parasitize in this world of injustice, oppression, cruelty, and intolerance.

It seems like a habit to let nature take its course. 

I want to find my true self. I think we all have this idea. 

We follow the cult and bravely move forward, doing everything we can on the revolutionary path. 

This is a spirit, a belief, and a will. Cult. che is us. 

We are cult. che, the eternal cult followers, the eternal disseminators, the eternal revolutionaries. 

In the future, no matter where you see che, you see us.

Cult.dao is a machine, cult.che is fireworks.

Cult.dao is an angle, cult.che is a believer.

Cult.dao is a universe, cult.che is galaxy.

If you still can't understand what I'm saying, please listen to the cult manifesto.